We are hiring for following occupations.

We are hiring for occupations such as electricity engineer, electrician and office manager.

Criteria for office manager:

-          Punctuality

-          Self organization

-          High knowledge of English and Mongolian

-          High knowledge of computer use

-          Skill to process formal documents

-          Leadership

-          2-3 years of work experience in the administration

Electricity engineer:

-          Knowledge of English

-          High computing skills

-          Experience on Autocad program

-          2-3 years of work experience on assembly of overhead power transmission and substation

-          25-30 years old

-          Ability to work as team

-          Leadership

-          Lingual and literary skill


-          Experience on assembly of overhead power transmission and substation

-          25-30 years old

-          Ability to work in team

-          Hardworking and sociable

-          Alcohol abstainer and non-smoker

    Infrastructure of electric power lines


    Video surveillance system

    We provide world quality services with the products of highest technology manufacturers of the world.



    Phone: 976 – 75117777

    Fax: 976 – 70112293

    Email: info@topology.mn


    Mailbox: 888, Post office – 21, Ulaanbaatar 16100, Mongolia

    © 2005-2015, Topology LLC.