We are providing following services in the field of energy.
Construction and arrangement of overhead power lines up to 35kV
construction, testing, and installation of open/closed distribution substations up to 35KV
Installation, construction, arrangement, and testing service of LED and road illumination
Constructing and providing solutions of renewable energy which meets every unique challenge of customers.
Providing constructional electricity service according to the Mongolian, American, and European electricity arrangement standards
Automation of major and minor equipment of thermal power station. Automation system for the technological process of light food industry
We acquired plenty of proficiency through completing many projects in the field of energy construction.
List of successfully completed operations:
In 2012
Operation to upgrade 0.4kV overhead power line of electricity transformer-384 in 18th khoroo and 0.4kV overhead power line of electricity transformer-554 in 19th khoroo, Chingeltei district
Telecommunication and security alarm of secondary school with 640 students in Uyanga sum Ovorkhangai province
Operation to upgrade 0.4kV overhead power line of electricity transformer -1693 in Deed salkhit, Chingeltei district
Illumination of 1.2km road operation at the Denjiin 1000 in 12th khoroo, Chingeltei district
Comprehensive electricity, telecommunication, security alarm operations and assembly of anti lightning system, grounding and indoor electricity for buildings of Tsetse Gun town in Khan-Uul district
In 2013
Illuminating, electricity supply of the furnace building and outdoor electricity assembly of Bayan-Airag mining camp in Dorvoljin sum, Zavkhan province
Operation to upgrade substation of MNB
Extension and upgrade operation of Electricity Transformer1364 in Yarmag, Khan Uul district
Operation to change conductor trails of Buyant-Ukhaa1 residence in 10th Khoroo of Khan Uul district
Operation of LED illumination in Erdenezuu street in Kharkhorin sum, Ovorkhangai province
Operation to install and assemble outdoor power supply of Time square complex residence
Operation of outdoor power supply as well as assembly and installation of substation at the training center of Oyu Tolgoi LLC in Khanbogd sum, Omnogobi province
In 2014
Operation to channel telecommunication and security alarm cables as well as to assemble and install outdoor illuminating 0.4kV for the Apartments of Time square complex in Khan Uul district
Operation to illuminate the streets of Artsat, ger district in KharKhorin sum, Ovorkhangai province
Illuminating operations of buildings on the 1,3km road between Nalaikh gas station and Tsaiz market
Operation to upgradte fire alarm, hydrant and pump of MNB
Operation to assemble and install the overhead transmission and substation of 60 vehicle garage in Bayanzurkh district
In 2015
Operation to transfer 10kV conductor and install the duct in the frame of operation to connect Narnii Zam with back road of the 19th microdistrict in Khan Uul district as well as channeling the trails alongside of railway trails, connecting transnational magistrali fiber optic cable and LED illuminating for 1,5km road
Extension to the Bayangol substation 110/35/10 kV and assembly of OPL(overhead power lines)10kV in order to reduce power load of “Zoori” feeder